Peregrine BI is designed to deliver very specific and actionable information to an organization that, up until now, wasn't readily available to make critical strategic,tactical and optimization decisions. While some software companies provide process analytical tools, they continue to measure obsolete value structures, and only diagnoses individual process steps. Our analytics not only review individual processes, but ties the diagnostic to the overall performance of the company. Within minutes, users can identify those processes that are experiencing constraints and then manage those constraints while they still exist.

Peregrine BI provides the goal-based, enterprise-wide visibility to quickly identify the critical core business process constraints inhibiting revenue and earnings growth.  Peregrine BI can quickly assist in identifying hidden problem areas and provide a foundation to achieve ongoing Product Development and Order-to-Cash cycle time reductions.  The results are often dramatic.  Even relatively small improvements in overall process time can yield millions in savings.  Furthermore, business process optimization methodologies often fall significantly short of projections.  The failure to implement real-time metrics and strong process disciplines may create new or shift removed constraints to other business processes

Peregrine BI strengths lie in its ability to assist organizations to create seamless operating environments where business strategies, processes, people, assets, and information technologies perform at their highest potential. This environment produces real competitive advantages and measurable hard dollar returns. Furthermore, shareholder value, an increasingly important issue, becomes quantifiable with Peregrine BI.

The number one success factor in ensuring optimal corporate performance is to quickly identify the critical core process constraints inhibiting revenue and earnings growth. Companies need to base their tactical and optimization efforts on a thorough and timely assessment of their current performance. This periodic assessment step is an essential task for defining and subsequently initiating what improvements should be done, when they should be done and what they should expect for results. LancetSoft will greatly assist organizations with this assessment effort.

The mandate is very clear; streamline your business processes to produce more, better, faster, and at a lower cost, while simultaneously and continuously finding ways to add value to the customer. For more information download our brochure PEREGRINE BI BROCHURE.